Huron Harbor Pierhead Lighthouse

Huron, Ohio - 1936 (1835**)

Photo of the Huron Harbor Pierhead Lighthouse.

History of the Huron Harbor Pierhead Lighthouse

A lighthouse was first originally placed at this point as early back as the 1830s. Then in the 1936, a new lighthouse was built using the "art-deco" style that was typical of that time period. This is the tower pictured in the photo to the right, but with a lantern room. The lantern room was later removed.

Directions: From US-6 in Huron, Ohio, follow Williams Street north to the lake. It will end at Wall Street. Turn right onto Wall Street and follow that for a short distance to Main Street. Turn left onto Main Street, and follow that to the end where there is a small parking area. You can now walk out to the lighthouse on the pier.

You can also view the lighthouse from the other side of the inlet. To get here you will follow Ohio Route 2 eastbound and get off at Ohio Route 13 and head towards the lake. Make a right onto Cleveland Road East (Ohio Route 6). You will go over several bridges, one over water and the next over railroad tracks. Make a left onto Tiffen and then a left onto Nickel Plate Drive. This will take you into Nickel Plate Park, a great place to view the light. Again this light sits out on a breakwater, I used a 500mm telephoto to get a nice close up shot.

View more Huron Harbor Pierhead Lighthouse pictures
Tower Information
Tower Height: 72.00'
Focal Plane: 80'
Active Aid to Navigation: Yes
*Latitude: 41.40400 N
*Longitude: -82.54400 W
See this lighthouse on Google Maps.


* Please note that all GPS coordinates are approximated and are meant to put you in the vicinity of the lighthouse, not for navigation purposes.

** This year denotes a station date. This is the year that a lighthouse was first reported in the vicinity or at that location.

All photographs and information on this site is copyright © 2016 Bryan Penberthy unless otherwise specified. No content may be used without written permission. Any questions or comments, please email me.